Amanda Ritvo

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My family and I could not have had a better experience with the Atrium at Allendale. My father has required increased care and searching for an assisted living proved quite difficult. We found Allendale through our lawyer and after the first day calling and speaking with Nik in admissions I knew this was the place for us. Nik was very responsive all throughout the application and admission process. My father’s room is quite spacious and has all the amenities he needs. Even the first day my father felt instantly comfortable with all the staff. He says the aids have been wonderful to him, constantly checking on him. As a daughter living far away, it gives me such peace of mind that anytime I can call his landline if his cell isn’t working or immediately reach the nursing staff with questions. The NP Harkiran has been wonderful to work with and is very knowledgeable and caring. They have helped with coordination to doctor’s appointments as well as his COVID vaccine. I also think their policies have been fantastic during this pandemic and they are taking all the right precautions. I feel truly lucky and blessed to now be part of the Allendale family.

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