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Allendale Residents and Local High Schoolers Prove Winning Combination at Virtual Reality Trivia Game

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Senior Trivia at Allendale

Residents of Allendale Senior Living and Allendale Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center joined forces with local high school students for a successful virtual reality Back-to-School Trivia Tournament at a Bergen County continuum-of-care campus. The Allendale teams excelled in the competition, answering all questions correctly in a game-show environment facilitated by immersive technology provider Rendever in partnership with Marquis Health Consulting Services. Participants wore virtual reality headsets and competed against other intergenerational pairs from over 30 Marquis client nursing centers and assisted living communities across the Mid-Atlantic region. The event fostered intergenerational bonding and showcased the power of technology to create engaging and meaningful experiences for seniors and younger generations.

Read the full press release here.

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