Korean Senior Living Program in Allendale, Bergen County NJ

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At Allendale Senior Living, we customize our approach to care so our residents can enjoy all life has to offer! We are excited to share that we have an entire neighborhood in our community 100% dedicated to the growing Korean community.  Residents can celebrate Korean culture and feel at home with a community speaking their language. 

Within the Korean neighborhood, residents can enjoy authentic amenities such as familiar traditional décor, delicious ethnic cuisine prepared by our in-house Korean chefs, special cultural programming, and recreational activities they will love.

Additional Amenities include:

  • Daily housekeeping
  • Beauty salon
  • Movie theater
  • Billiard room
  • Library
  • Beautifully landscaped courtyard
  • Inviting common areas
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi and cable

For added security and well-being support, we provide:

Discover the warmth and care of our Korean Assisted Living Community in NJ—reach out today to learn more!

Meet Our Korean Program Director: Young Kim

With over twenty years of experience managing and operating in business, Young Kim, has extensive experience in creating Korean programs that are tailored specifically for Korean speaking elders that make them feel all the comforts of home from cultural programming, recreational activities, and delicious ethnic cuisine.

Why Should You Choose Us?

Allendale residents have a suite of services at their beck and call. These include delectable dining options, enriching social events, regular physician visits, and much more.

Services & Amenities

We want you to experience the best Allendale has to offer. Our activities allow you to fully immerse yourself into life-enriching daily programming that benefits the mind, body, and spirit.

Life Enrichment

Here, our residents enjoy modern move-in ready apartments that are intended to be personalized to your liking.


Our Location

We’re located in a lovely residential area in Allendale, Bergen County, surrounded by many trees.

Our Address

  • 85 Harreton Road
  • Allendale, NJ 07401

Contact Information

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